Summer Berry Roulade
A Berry Medley rolled in tender, light sponge cake!
We love berry season and all things very berry! Which include strawberry shortcake, German strawberry cake, berry cobblers, berry pies, Pavlova, berry smoothies, and this recipe! (The term “roulade” refers to a dish of filled rolled meat or pastry, from the French word meaning “to roll”.)
sponge cake recipe
1 cup flour 3 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/3 cup water 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
-Heat oven to 375 degrees. Line a 13 X 10-inch baking sheet with rim with aluminum foil or waxed or parchment paper; grease with butter or spray with cooking spray, then sprinkle lightly with flour. Turn over and tap out excess flour gently.
-Stir together flour, baking powder, and salt; set aside.
-In mixer bowl, beat eggs about 5 minutes until very thick and lemon-colored. Gradually beat in sugar. On low speed, blend in water and vanilla. Gradually add flour mixture, beating just until batter is smooth. Pour into prepared pan, spreading batter to edges.
-Bake 12 to 15 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean.
-Loosen cake from edges of pan; invert onto towel or waxed/parchment paper, sprinkled with powdered sugar. Carefully remove foil or paper; trim off stiff edges if necessary.
-Let sit 5 minutes then roll cake and towel/paper from narrow end. Cool on wire rack.
vanilla cream (creme patiserie)
4 egg yolks 1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract ¼ cup flour + 2 Tablesppons
1 cup boiling milk ½ cup heavy cream
-Place the 4 egg yolks, 1/3 cup sugar and vanilla in bowl. Beat until light and mixture ribbons when the beater is lifted. Add the flour and blend together. Add the hot milk in a thin stream stirring with a wire whisk.
-Transfer the mixture to a saucepan set over moderate heat; stir constantly until the sauce reaches a boil. Reduce heat and cook, stirring for 2 to 3 minutes longer. Remove from the heat. Stir in the vanilla. Cover and cool to room temperature.
-Whip the cream until it holds stiff peaks. Fold the whipped cream into the custard. Set aside.
Berry Medley
2 cups fresh strawberries, hulled and sliced 3 whole strawberries with stem, for garnish 1 cup blueberries 1 cup raspberries 1 cup blackberries 1/2 cup sugar squeeze of lemon juice
-Rinse all berries and let them drain well. Combine them in a large bowl and sprinkle on sugar and lemon juice then mix lightly with a spoon. Allow berries to sit and macerate for 15 minutes. Drain berries well in a colander. Keep chilled until ready for use.
-Gently unroll the cooled cake. Push gently to flatten it as much as possible but don’t force it. Spread the chilled vanilla cream over the entire surface of the cake to within 1 inch of the edges.
-Spoon the berry medley down the center of the cake, lengthwise and then beginning at a long edge, carefully lift and fold the cake over the berries to encase them. Then pulling away the lining paper as you roll, roll the cake firmly until the berries are completely encased in the cake. Place the roulade with the seam-side down on your serving platter and chill 30 minutes to an hour.
-Before serving, arrange the reserved cup of berries down the length of the cake and dust with powdered sugar. Slice into 1 - 1 1/2 inch pieces and serve immediately. Makes 8 - 10 servings.
**Some people like to roll the cake around a rolling pin to help keep the round shape and keep the cake roll from collapsing. I have done it both ways successfully.
**Once assembled this cake does not keep very long. Chill it for about 30 minutes to one hour at the most before serving. The individual components of the roulade can be made ahead and then wait to assemble it shortly before serving.
Beat the eggs until thick and foamy.
Spread the batter on prepared baking sheet and bake until just done.
Roll the cake with the paper attached on the bottom and allow to cool.
Unroll the cake and spread the vanilla cream over its surface.
Roll the Berry Medly inside the cake and garnish with left over berries.
A Berry Lovely Dessert!