Fried Ice Cream
A Spectacular Mexican Dessert!
fried ice cream
3/4 - 1 gallon good quality vanilla ice cream
5 cups corn flakes, crushed
1 1/2 tablespoons ground cinnamon
3 flour tortillas cut into strips, an inch wide by 3 inches long
oil for frying
-Crush cornflakes by pulsing in a food processor or place in a large plastic bag and roll and crush with a rolling pin. Place crushed cornflakes in a large bowl and stir in cinnamon. Place a medium metal bowl in freezer and chill for about 30 minutes.
-Let ice cream sit at room temperature, about 20 minutes until softened enough to mold. Scoop out a large spoonful of ice cream and quickly mold into a ball about the size of an orange. Roll the ball in the cornflakes, pushing the crumbs into the ice cream as you roll. Quickly place coated ice cream ball into metal bowl in the freezer, Continuing rolling all the ice cream into balls and then in cornflakes. Makes about 12 balls. Cover metal bowl with foil and chill for at least 8 hours or overnight.
-In a medium skillet heat 1/4 cup oil until hot over medium-high heat. Add a handful of the tortilla strips and fry until golden stirring frequently and turning with tongs. Remove to paper towels and allow to drain. Continue with the rest of the tortilla strips. Set aside.
-When ready to serve, heat 3 cups oil in a medium deep pot. Heat oil over medium-high heat to 325 degrees. Working with one ice cream ball at a time, lower ball into hot oil and turn with slotted spoon in oil as you count to 8. Remove from oil and immediately place back into the freezer in another large metal bowl. Continue with all the ice cream balls.
-To serve, make a bed of 6-8 tortilla strips in the bottom of individual serving bowls. Set an ice cream ball on the top of the strips and allow guests to top their ice cream as desired.
-Suggested Toppings: Whipped cream, fresh sliced strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberry puree or syrup, salted caramel sauce, hot fudge sauce, chopped nuts, maraschino cherries, toasted coconut, etc.
Shape ice cream into balls and roll in crushed corn flakes.
Press corn flakes firmly into ice cream.
Place balls of ice cream in a metal bowl in freezer.
Fry each ball separately in hot oil in deep pot.
Fry and turn as you count to 8 - drain briefly and return to freezer.
Fry tortilla strips until golden.
Place tortilla strips in bottom of serving bowls.
Serve with favorite toppings, whipped cream, berries and nuts.
**For salted caramel recipe, search for “Ruthie’s Caramel” on this blog.
**For hot fudge sauce recipe, search “Peppermint Ice Cream Cake Roll” on this blog.
**It’s fun to put out a bar of toppings and sauces for each person to customize their ice cream with their favorite choices.
**You can serve fried ice cream immediately from frying into individual prepared bowls and serve to waiting guests to add their own toppings. Or you can fry the balls in advance, keep in the freezer and serve all of them at once in a large decorative bowl when time for dessert.