Buttercream Cake Roll (Nue Buche de Noel)
Judge this “book” by its cover! As delicious as it is beautiful, a “naked” version of the French Buche de Noel.
3 eggs 1 cup sugar
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup water
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
-Heat oven to 375 degrees. Line a 15 X 10 inch cookie sheet with aluminum foil, parchment paper or waxed paper; lightly greased or sprayed with cooking spray.
-Stir together flour, baking powder, and salt; set aside.
-In mixing bowl, beat eggs about 5 minutes until very thick and lemon-colored. While mixing on medium speed, gradually add sugar. On low speed, blend in water, oil and vanilla. Gradually add flour mixture, beating just until batter is smooth. Pour into prepared pan, spreading batter to edges.
-Bake 12 to 15 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Remove cake from oven and let cool about 5 minutes.
-Loosen cake from edges of pan; invert onto cotton tea towel or waxed paper, sprinkled with powdered sugar. Carefully remove foil or paper from the bottom of cake; trim off stiff, brittle edges if necessary.
-Let sit 5 minutes then roll cake and towel/paper from long end. (or roll cake and paper around rolling pin to give it support.) Let cool completely.
VANILLA CREAM: (creme patissiere)
3 egg yolks 1/3 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ¼ cup flour 1 cup boiling milk 1/2 cup heavy cream
-Place the 3 egg yolks, 1/3 cup sugar and vanilla in bowl. Beat until light and mixture ribbons when the beater is lifted. Add the ¼ cup flour and blend together. Add the hot milk in a stream stirring with a wire whisk.
-Transfer the mixture to a saucepan set over moderate heat; stir constantly until the sauce reaches a boil. Reduce heat and cook, stirring for 2 to 3 minutes longer until very thick. Remove from the heat. Cover and cool to room temperature.
-Whip the cream until it holds stiff peaks. Fold the whipped cream into the custard, beginning with a small amount and whisk in vigorously to soften the custard before adding the rest of the whipped cream. Cover with plastic wrap and chill until ready to use
3 oz. semi-sweet chocolate 2 oz. bittersweet chocolate 3 egg yolks 1/2 pound salted butter, softened 1/3 cup sugar glaceed or maraschino cherries, holly or chocolate leaves for garnish
-Place the chocolate in a small bowl and melt it in microwave at 30 second intervals, until all chocolate pieces are melted.
-Combine the 1/3 cup sugar and water in a small saucepan. Boil until the syrup reaches the softball stage (236 to 238 degrees) on candy thermometer.
-Place the 3 egg yolks in a mixing bowl and begin beating with an electric mixer. Mix on high speed until yolks are thick and lemon colored. Pour the hot sugar syrup over the yolks a few drops at a time while beating at medium speed. Increase speed to high and beat for 5 minutes, until mixture is thick and pale yellow. Reduce speed to low and add the ½ pound butter, two tablespoons at a time. Beat on medium speed until the mixture is smooth. Add the cooled melted chocolate to the buttercream and beat another 5 minutes until thick and smooth. Set aside.
-Unroll the cake. Remove the waxed paper. Spread the custard-cream (creme patisserie) evenly over the cake. Spoon 2/3s of the chocolate buttercream along one long edge of the cake. Smooth evenly to a width of about 3 inches with a spatula. Roll the cake from the same long end up and over the buttercream, then as tightly as possible to the other side, creating an even, tight roll. Pull the paper off the bottom of the cake as you roll then use it to wrap around entire roll. Place the filled cake roll on a baking sheet or long serving platter and chill in fridge for at least 2 hours.
-Place remaining buttercream in a large pastry bag fitted with a large star tip. Pipe the buttercream down the center of the top of the cake roll in a swirling or overlapping snail pattern. Garnish with glaceed or maraschino cherries and holly or chocolate leaves. Dust lightly with powdered sugar.
-Chill until ready to serve. Cut in 1 inch slices. Serves 10 - 12
Mix batter ingredients gently to keep cake light.
Bake 10 - 12 minutes until golden and pulls away from edges.
Roll cake up from long end with bottom paper attached or around rolling pin and let cool completely.
Spread pastry cream (creme patissiere) over cooled cake.
French chocolate buttercream - so silky rich and delicious!
Spoon 2/3s of buttercream along one long edge of cake.
Decorate top with rest of buttercream and chill until ready to serve.